Wale Takes Kendrick Lamar Verse As A Complement? New Reality Show “Preachers Of LA”?-The 411 With ADRI.V The Go Getta On #TONSTM
Hey, it’s me, ADRI.V The Go Getta, and every day, I will be giving you “The 411” on The Only Night Show That Matters with DJ Supreme, kicking off at 8:50 p.m.
What’s the 411, you ask? Well, with the 411, we look to update and educate you on the latest and greatest in hip-hop, popping artists, events, album releases and all things entertainment news!
A lot of people were feeling a certain way about Kendrick Lamar Verse on Big Sean Control Track. Some rappers who weren’t named in the verse like Cassidy, Lupe Fiasco and Astro took it personal and created their own responds getting at Kendrick Lamar, while others like Wale who was actually mentioned took it as a complement. In today Rolling Out Wale shared his point of view. He shared
“I thank him for mentioning me in that category. I may have felt a certain way if he didn’t mention me. He mentioned the rapper [Drake] who is going to sell the most records this year, and he mentioned the rapper who has sold the most records thus far in 2013. I think I’m in good company.”
For more of his interview check it out at RollingOut.com
I don’t know how I feel about this but on October 9th Oxygen Media is set to air a new reality show “Preachers of L.A.” The show will consist of mega pastors in southern California and two out of the 6 men of the faith on the show Bishop Noel Jones, Minister Deitrick Haddon,are my favorites I am a little nervous about what I will see….It's set to premier on Wednesday, October 9 at 10 PM check out the trailer below!
This wraps the 411 with me, ADRI.V The Go Getta. Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, all at @ADRIVTheGoGetta, for all The 411!
Check out The 411 audio here!
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