The WBLK 2021 St. Jude Radiothon Is Underway
WBLK is proud to be presenting the 2021 St. Jude Radiothon, thanks to The Barnes Firm.
Become a Partner in Hope today by calling 1-800-411-9898. Our phone lines will be open from 6AM on Thursday, March 11th to 7PM on Friday, March 12th. To donate online, just click the button below.
Don't forget, each person who becomes a Partner In Hope will get a WBLK St. Jude #WeWontStop t-shirt--the slogan on the front and the WBLK logo on the back!
An extra thank you goes out to our presenting sponsor The Barnes Firm. We thank them for their support of the 2021 WBLK St. Jude Radiothon!
Our hospitality sponsor is Market In the Square, and we we want to send an extra-special thank you to them for providing food for all of our hard-working volunteers and on-air staff during BOTH days of our St. Jude Radiothon!
Our tote board is brought to you by Western Division Federal Credit Union
The online donation center is made possible because of the support from Northland Workforce Training Center.