The Movie That’s Reminds Me of The Real Christmas! [Full Movie Link]
I want to be Festive, but something in the air is DIFFERENT! It may just be me but The Christmas SPIRIT has become diminished ... to almost GONE!!! That's a sad reality for Christians, who used to reverence this day PROUDLY as the day set aside to Celebrate the Birth of "Our God" ... (and because I have to be politically correct; I've used the word "Our" only because I'm including myself, while realizing the usage of the word there could be misconstrued as to it applying to everyone...which is NOT the case).
I'm from Rochester, NY and recall My Home, Friends and Families' Homes and even Downtown Rochester's Sibley's and Midtown Plaza, being filled with this "SPIRIT" of Joy and Happiness and especially "ANTICIPATION" ... and that Spirit you felt WAS ACTUALLY a FEELING.
There was just something about celebrating the Birth of Our Heavenly Father ... "The Spirit" ... that created everything and that manifested itself in the Flesh and came to live among us for the Sole Purpose of DYING for all the things we do against what was Willed for us to do. The "Spirit" created an atmosphere whereas Christmas felt like a time of Glory and Worship and Celebration. The feeling of Gratitude was so great that it influenced a need to express our feelings through Giving ... as a means of giving back and Thanking God for the the Life WE have because of the LOVE The Lord exhibited for each one of us as a whole by Sacrificing His own LIFE so that we could not only be ALIVE...but also because there was another Eternal Life waiting for us after this one... with the promises of being in the Presence of God ... FOREVER!!!!!!
I recently saw a Stage Play at Shea's, which was the Stage Adaptation of that Forever Classic Movie;, "A Christmas Story:! I want to share this movie with you if you have or haven't seen it before, because it exemplifies the "feeling", "atmosphere" and "Spirit" of Love, and everything I talked about above.
Enjoy the movie, and I must say that I hope I have not offended anyone by sharing my Beliefs and thoughts ... and also want to stress that my views are my views and not necessarily the views or opinions of anyone else at Townsquare Media.