
An Isolated TORNADO Is Possible On Thursday in WNY
An Isolated TORNADO Is Possible On Thursday in WNY
An Isolated TORNADO Is Possible On Thursday in WNY
An isolated TORNADO is possible on Thursday, according to Aaron Mentkowski! Listen, it is a POSSIBILITY, like always with the weather, not a guarantee. It wouldn't be the first time it's happened in Western New York. Recently, we've seen small tornado sightings during severe weather...
Buffalo Storm Videos & Pics
Buffalo Storm Videos & Pics
Buffalo Storm Videos & Pics
If you were in any area Friday where storms rolled through, you'll appreciate the pics and videos which were taken during the event.  The videos definitely give us a better perspective regarding what actually happened, beyond just hearing about it...
Pennies From Heaven
Pennies From Heaven
Pennies From Heaven
Those who have had a loved one pass away are often looking for small signs that the person is still with them and watching over them -- like pennies found in odd places or at important moments. The next few days, weeks and months are going to be important moments for those in Oklahoma devastated by the recent string of deadly tornados, filled with recovery, rebuilding and healing. And we want our
schools flattened, 24 dead
schools flattened, 24 dead
schools flattened, 24 dead
The good news coming from Oklahoma today is that the death toll is about half of what was reported last night, and more and more people are being found alive.
How You Can Help Oklahoma
How You Can Help Oklahoma
How You Can Help Oklahoma
A huge tornado touched down just outside of Oklahoma City earlier today, causing widespread destruction and leaving behind a yet-untold number of casualties. To see how you can help those affected, see the list below. This list will continue to be updated...
Weird Weather: Hail in Hawaii
Weird Weather: Hail in Hawaii
Weird Weather: Hail in Hawaii
For about a week, Hawaii's famous sunny weather has been replaced with thunderstorms, golf-ball pieces of hail, and the arrival of what weather officials say was the first tornado in four years to hit the islands.
Is Unusual Weather Indicating The ‘End Of Time’? [VIDEO]
Is Unusual Weather Indicating The ‘End Of Time’? [VIDEO]
Is Unusual Weather Indicating The ‘End Of Time’? [VIDEO]
The recent deadly Tornadoes that devastated properties and killed 39 (to date) may have been foretold, as well as a "sign", that the end is upon us.  Prophecy... fueled by The Holy Bible, Nostradamus, Psychics, and even Ancient Egyptians, predicts that 2012 is the year when life, as we know it, comes to an end...
Tornado Tragedy [VIDEO]
Tornado Tragedy [VIDEO]
Tornado Tragedy [VIDEO]
A deadly Tornado that spanned 1000 miles from the Midwest to The Gulf Of Mexico has claimed the lives of 39 at last count, while the death toll rises. Tornadoes hit hardest in Indiana and Kentucky, with Alabama, Georgia, Ohio and Tennessee experiences destruction and loss as well...