
'Missed Connection Tuesday'
'Missed Connection Tuesday'
'Missed Connection Tuesday'
Here's another "Missed Connection" Buffalo Craigslist ad from a gentleman looking for a woman with red hair and black glasses. She was wearing her yellow work uniform and they talked about lamps and light bulbs. Is this you? Or do you know who SHE might be...
This Woman’s Letter to Her Ex-Husband’s New Wife Has Gone Viral
This Woman’s Letter to Her Ex-Husband’s New Wife Has Gone Viral
This Woman’s Letter to Her Ex-Husband’s New Wife Has Gone Viral
People have been responding with so many words of encouragement after Candice Curry wrote this letter. She decided that after her ex-husband got married, she would write his new wife, Ashley  this letter. "To My Daughter’s Stepmom, I never wanted you here. You simply were never part of... Read More ...
Vows Best Friends Make [VIDEO]
Vows Best Friends Make [VIDEO]
Vows Best Friends Make [VIDEO]
They'll stalk your crushes for you, never let you eat alone and rescue you from those disastrous encounters that have you counting the seconds and praying for escape -- check out these nine vows best friends make.
I Cheated Now She Won’t Leave My WIFE Alone [#THESCENARIO]
I Cheated Now She Won’t Leave My WIFE Alone [#THESCENARIO]
I Cheated Now She Won’t Leave My WIFE Alone [#THESCENARIO]
What's up man.. Need your help. I am married to a beautiful lady that I am happy with, but a couple of years ago I stepped out and cheated with this older female. I didn't want the chick but with little arguments with my girl, the older chick was easy "access"-no feelings what so ever on my end...

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