For today's Talk At 2 with Yasmin Young, Buffalo residents discussed the benefits and drawbacks of the $40 million expansion of the Seneca casino! Listen and vote!
I ran across this UNBELIEVABLE News Story this morning which states that Niagara Falls could Run Out of Money!. HUH????? The Seneca Niagara Casino seems to be thriving 24 Hours a day EVERYDAY ... so how is the City runining out of money...
Fat Tuesday took on a whole new meaning earlier this week at a Florida casino, where gamblers were given a dime in slot machine credits for every pound they weighed.
Most slot machines these days are run on computer chips, which means that just like your trusty laptop, they’re bound to fail on occasion.
That’s what happened to Behar Merlaku, who thought he’d won a $57 million jackpot, only to learn a software error voided his big score.