One Niagara Falls Neighborhood Has A Massive Rat Problem
A neighborhood in Niagara Falls has a big rat problem according to residents. People who live on 56th Street in the Falls told WKBK that the rodents are a huge problem in the area. Edward Mayberry, who lives in the neighborhood told Channel 7,
You see them walking across the street in the middle of the night. And I’ll be driving down the alley in the morning, 7 o'clock and you'll see them run across the street.
Residents have not been able to pinpoint the exact problem but told WKBW that it could be trash or even an incineration plant, Covanta Niagara, which is near the area with the issue.
Niagara Falls City Administrator Anthony Restaino has a theory about what's causing the rat infestation,
The source of the issue is probably excessive trash, storage of debris in yards, or dog feces. Those are all violations of the city ordinance and if we are aware of where they are located then we can address them.
You can read the whole story on WKBW's website.

4 New York State Cities Land On The List Of Places With Biggest Rat Problems
The Niagara Falls neighborhood around 56th Street isn't the only place in New York with a rat problem.<href="https://www.orkin.com/press-room/orkin-top-rattiest-cities-2021" target="_blank">Orkin pest control released its 2021 list of the 50 cities in America with the biggest rat problems. Four cities in New York State landed on the list.
Orkin, which provides pest control, used data from areas it served the most to formulate the list,
Orkin ranked metro regions by the number of new rodent treatments performed from September 15, 2020 to September 15, 2021. This ranking includes both residential and commercial treatments.
Here Are The Four 'Rattiest' New York Cities For 2021:
Ranked #46 - Syracuse
Ranked #41 - Buffalo
Ranked #31 - Albany
Ranked # 3 - New York City
The number one ranked 'rattiest' city in America for 2021 wasn't in New York; it was Chicago, so at least there's that.
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