NFTA looking to hire 15 mechanics
Let your Favorite mechanics know they are looking for them
Now its not because they are giving everyone the boot. There is over 200 NFTA mechanics hired to handle repairs. Some have spent their careers here at the shop. “The longevity, it's here in Metro.” said one mechanic at NFTA
That’s actually part of the problem right now, according to Karen Novo who is director of human resources. She said the N.F.T.A. is facing a number of vacancies because of its aging workforce. “17% of our workforce is going out by 2019. So, challenging times,” she said.
So right now they are looking for 15 mechanics and will be expected to double by next year.
She's encouraging anyone over 19 with a high school diploma or G.E.D. to apply.
Positions start at $20 an hour.
for more info Click This Link
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