This Is The Most Popular Girl Scout Cookie In New York State
It's Girl Scout Cookie Season in New York! The season runs from now through March 12, 2023. The organization just launched a new flavor, but which is the most popular among New Yorkers?
Girl Scouts Introduce New Cookie Flavor - Raspberry Rally
Raspberry Rally is the latest Girl Scout Cookie flavor. If you love Raspberry, as much as I do, it looks delicious, combining raspberry and chocolate,
Meet Raspberry Rally™, the thin, crispy cookie infused with raspberry flavor and dipped in chocolaty coating*. They may look like Thin Mints’® sister, but these cookies have a delicious taste that’s all their own. They're sure to become a new favorite.
To get your hands on a box of Raspberry Rally you'll have to order it online. You can let a Girl Scout know you would like to order it and it will then be shipped to your home.
Which Girl Scout Cookie Flavor Do New Yorkers Love The Most?
The Girl Scouts' website lists the top 5 best-selling cookie flavors:
- Thin Mints®
- Caramel deLites®/Samoas®
- Peanut Butter Patties®/Tagalongs®
- Adventurefuls™
- Do-si-dos®/Peanut Butter Sandwich
According to WETM 18 News, the results of a Google search show that the most popular Girl Scout Cookie flavor in New York is:
Thin Mints
Thin Mints are definitely my personal favorite. According to Google Trends, 30 percent of New Yorkers are searching for Thin Mints using the search engine. Caramel deLites®/Samoas were the second most popular with 22 percent of New Yorkers searching the flavor.
Check out all of the Girl Scout Cookie flavors here

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