Loganberry Gin Coming in Honor of Buffalo’s Love for Loganberry
Black Button Distillery is a Rochester, NY based distillery inspired by the family's Father's highly successful business, famous for making buttons for men's suits. Son, Jason Barrett took the class, expertise, and sexiness associated with the button company and applied it to a distillery.

To honor their hometown, Rochester, NY, Jason's company, Black Button Distillery produced a Lilac Gin...paying homage to Rochester's favorite flower, highlighted in Highland Park, the Lilac. Lilac Gin quickly became a favorite within the Lilac City and since Black Button Distillery has heartfelt love for Rochester's neighboring city, Buffalo, they wanted to honor Buffalo as well. Introducing: Loganberry Gin. (According to the Black Button Distillery website).
Buffalo's love for Loganberry, prompted Black Button Distillery to honor Buffalo as well and make a Loganberry Gin. Loganberry is actually a fruit. Loganberries are a hybrid made from accidentally crossing a raspberry and a blackberry, according to their website)
Black Button Distillery's announced that their delightful product will be available July 17 Loganberry Gin, but a peek at the advanced online ordering site seems to show SOLD OUT. You can enter your email address and they will contact you when more becomes available.
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