Lockport’s Transit Drive-In Responds to News of an Alabama Drive-In Refusing to Show ‘Beauty & The Beast’
There's an Alabama Drive-In Theater refusing to show the new release of an updated 'Beauty & The Beast' claiming they don't show movies that compromise what the Bible teaches. This stance is based upon the film's Director, Bill Condon, (according to News reports) stating that one of the characters in 'Beauty & The Beast “is confused about his sexuality.”
Well the confusion is not with the 'Beauty & The Beast' filmmakers, rather it's with this Alabama Drive-In Theater... in my opinion anyway. I interpret The Bible as saying "everything is permissible, but everything is not god for you". that Scripture is clearly visible in 1 Corinthians 10:23) and is a true indication that the Bible gives the individual a choice of their own in terms of what they personally want to do...PERIOD! So for this Alabama Drive-In Theater to refuse showing the movie is strictly on them.... it bothers me when people try to blame The Bible for the choices they make...whether good or bad... the choices you make in life are YOUR CHOICES...not The Bible's choices or anyone else's...they are yours.
So in this sense I agree with Transit Drive-In's (Lockport) response to this story out of Alabama as follows: This is how Transit Drive-In, in Lockport, responded on their Facebook Page, according to News Reports:
“We have been watching this story unfold over the past several hours. We were extremely disappointed that a fellow drive-in business owner would go out of their way to publicly diminish a group of people based upon their personal beliefs.
We believe that families should make their own choices on which movies are appropriate for their children to see themselves, and not be subjected to the censorship of others. We choose our movie lineups based primarily upon anticipated popularity and earning potential, and never our personal, political, or religious beliefs."
Here's what has sparked the "controversy" and the Alabama Drive-In Theater's decision to not show the movie
Needless to say, Transit Drive-In (Lockport, NY) will be showing 'Beauty & The Beast' which is being released in March. Click the button below for more info and movies at what I believe is the only Drive-In Theater relative to Buffalo, NY .... Transit Drive-In (Lockport)!
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