Local Group of Landlords Getting Ready to Sue to Open Eviction Court
A group of landlords is fed up with local housing courts being closed and they have hired an attorney in an attempt to get New York State to reopen Housing Courts.
According to reporting by WKBW, HoganWillig Attorneys at Law has been hired to represent that group of landlords who say they are looking for the same rights and protections that some tenants have received.
If you need help, nobody is sitting here saying I'm going to court to kick out the unemployed mother with their kids. This is we're going to court to get rid of the people who are taking advantage and let's hear about this case
-Tim Walton, one of the landlords while speaking to WKBW
The group of landlords claims that many tenants have been taking advantage of the COVID-19 related eviction moratorium as a way to get away with not paying rent. Walton noted that landlords have expenses to cover whether a tenant pays their rent or not, and many landlords are now in a bad financial position because of unpaid rents. Housing courts across the state have largely been closed since last March when things started to shut down due to the impact of Coronavirus.
As a property owner in Buffalo, I know better than most how important it is to be able to collect rent. Expenses related to the property, like water bills and taxes, are still due even if no money is coming.

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