New Yorkers Will Drink an Insane Amount of Eggnog This Year
How much eggnog do you think New Yorkers drink over the holidays? Get ready to have your mind blown.
Think about your own eggnog-drinking habits. Do you take sips, gulps, or are you a person who swims in the creamy goodness? Our friends at WealthofGeeks wanted to find out just how many gallons of eggnog New Yorkers plan on guzzling down over the holidays and the number was ... a lot to swallow. Literally.
Millions of Gallons
If you were to estimate just how much eggnog the Empire State would consume this holiday season, chances are you'd think of a safe number like - maybe 500,000 gallons max. Right?
Well, that number is way below what this study found.
Wealth of Geeks carried out a study to determine how many glasses of this festive drink will be poured around the dinner table this year. They surveyed 3,000 merry souls to gauge how many spiked eggnogs they typically drink over the festive season.
It was found that the average American will drink 6 eggnogs this month, which equates to an astonishing 1.2 billion due to be consumed!
New York will be drinking more than the national average, with residents set to guzzle down 7 eggnogs this holiday season - which equates to nearly 100 million gallons.
Wait... What?
Eggnog isn't just a festive drink; it's a holiday tradition poured into a glass - as the popular saying goes. Fanatics describe it as a "velvety concoction that marries the richness of cream and milk with the warmth of sugar and the complexity of beaten eggs."
The creamy drink also infuses a whisper of nutmeg and a generous measure of vanilla extract to make those flavors pop.
For those inclined to spirited versions, a pour of bourbon, rum, or brandy turns the drink into a toast-worthy treat.
When it comes to New York's noggy love affair, residents will be gulping down a whopping 91,225,364 gallons of the good stuff during the 2023 holiday season.
And if you thought we'd be the state to drink the most nog this year, you'd be mistaken.
It was found our friends in Vermont secured the title with the survey finding residents there, on average, will throw down 19 total glasses this holiday season. Alaska followed up in second place with residents there toasting with 14 glasses this year.
Iowa and Oklahoma trailed behind in third place, respectively tying with 8 glasses.
Other "Fun" Findings
Per Wealth of Geeks:
"The study also asked respondents what they consider an acceptable hour to start drinking over the festive season, which revealed some very interesting results. It turns out that 2:42 p.m. is considered an acceptable time to begin drinking over the holidays.
However, the survey also found that nearly 1 in 5 (18%) admit that they bend the rules and drink before lunchtime.
As delightful as eggnog is, there is the risk of drinking too many and peaking too early. Wealth of Geeks also wanted to determine at which point drinkers feel like they’ve reached this plateau of festive burnout. That is, when they’ve simply had enough of drinking and need to exercise sobriety – at least for a few days.
It was discovered that the average drinker expects to reach a state of festive burnout relatively early at just 15 days into the holiday period (starting the day after Thanksgiving): by December 10th."
You can read more about this interesting study HERE.
Created by Wealth-of-Geeks • Viewlarger version
So... here's a question for my fellow lovers of nog, where can a gal find herself a really good pint around here?

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