Inmate Fleece Johnson Reveals What’s ‘Most Important’ in Prison… ‘BOOTY’? [Inmate Interview]
MSNBC did an unusual Feature Story with Inmate Fleece Johnson, relative to Prison Incarceration, called 'Beyond The Booty', that not only raises eyebrows but also raises awareness regarding a taboo topic about Prison Life ... SEX!
The interview with Fleece Johnson is very revealing and straight-forward as 'Fleece' has no reservations expressing his attraction to 'BOOTY'... as he calls it. Fleece Johnson says, in the interview, that 'Booty' is more important than eating and even drinking water while incarcerated.
Johnson offers some very revealing commentary while explaining the importance of 'BOOTY' ... but also sends a very profound and stirring message to young men who Sag their Pants in Prison.