If you're a man on a budget like me and you can't spend what feels like every last dime you have on running your air conditioning all day and night, or if you have one room that just doesn't cool down, this may be the trick for you.

Our house is the house where we never let the air conditioning go if we are not in the house. We are so particular about the air conditioning and 'wasting' money that our friends will joke (or maybe they are not joking) that we are cheap. Another pro move: keep aluminum foil over your smaller windows to deflect the super hot sun.

I tried this the other night on my day off, and I will tell you, LIFE IS GOOD. Save yourself from waking up every night sweating. Today is supposed to be super hot, so we have a little help for you. Maybe you don't have AC or maybe you have a certain room that needs a little extra help, here's the materials list from YouTube you'll need to cool down:

how to make a non-compressor based "5 gallon bucket" air conditioner. simple DIY. items needed: bucket, styrofoam liner, pvc pipe, small fan, and ice. (small solar panel is optional). one frozen gallon jug of water lasted 6 hours. temperature in house was 84F. cooled air was in the mid. 40F range.

It will last a full 6 hours, but the mini fan will run so much less energy then your air conditioner especially when it is going to be 90 degrees outside.

You're welcome.


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