G-Health Employees Talk About Their Experience Getting The Vaccine
The COVID-19 vaccine has been the big topic of conversation as of late, in black and brown communities, the main concern has been, people wondering if they will even have access to the vaccine, and can the vaccine be trusted.
G-Health employees work and live in communities where there is a lot of mistrust, many of their employees talked about the reasons that they were a bit apprehensive about getting vaccinated. In a video posted via Vimeo, one employee talked about how they felt because of how people were treated in the past with vaccines.
Dr. Raul Vazquez is the CEO of G-Health enterprises; he talked about the importance of getting essential workers vaccinated because many of the employees that come into the G-Health facilities are in close contact with customers that have been exposed to the virus. Dr. Vazquez mentioned that about 75% of his staff is now vaccinated.
I have spoken to a few people in our community about their feelings on getting vaccinated, and just like the employees at G-Health, many people would really like to see or at least, hear about some positive results from other people that have experienced being vaccinated. The one thing I would say that most people have in common, is getting to the light at the end of the tunnel. Although life as we know it could be changed for a long while, it would be nice to get back to some sense of normalcy.