Yesterday I got my hands on the newly designed $100 Bill. Find out what this new money has to do with Black History, Monopoly and a Nuclear attack prophecy!


According to Black America Web, the new sleek $100 bills that were released by the U.S. Federal Reserve on Oct. 8, 2013, were designed by 43-year-old African American artist, Brian Thompson.

His father worked as a cylinder maker at the U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing in D.C. When there was a need for an artist, the father knew his son would be perfect for the job!

Thompson’s design of the new $100 bill is in high demand all over the world. I got me one!

What's Different About the Redesigned $100 Bill? Here are four things I found.

Blue Security Ribbon
The front of the new bill features a bluish-purple 3D security ribbon. When the bill is moved, the liberty bells shift into a "100" pattern and back again! liberty bell and the number 100 appear to scroll down the ribbon.

Copper-Colored Liberty Bell
A vibrant copper-colored inkwell emblazoned over part of the Declaration of Independence printed on the bill's front that reveals a color-changing liberty bell inside it when the bill is tilted.

Large Quill
There is a large image of the quill used to sign the Declaration of Independence coming out of Benjamin Franklin's shoulder.

Raised Printing
If you run your finger along Ben Franklin's shoulder, you'll feel the texture of his shirt! How cool.

Around Franklin's jacket collar, you'll see the words "The United States of America" printed in small type.

Redesigned Back
The back of the bill look like Monopoly money with the "100" denomination very large and outlined in blue.

##### But Some conspiracy Theorist See More!! Some say there are "hidden messages" in the new $100 Bill ##############

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