Well, this is definitely not a good list to land on. Two cities in New York State have made the list of the most dirty cities in the United States. House Fresh ranked the dirties cities by the number of 311 calls.

From clean drinking water to sewage disposal, littered streets to missed garbage pick-ups, we analyzed 12.3 million sanitation-related 311 complaints in a series of U.S. cities to reveal which metropolises need to clean up their act.

Photo by Gary Chan on Unsplash
Photo by Gary Chan on Unsplash

The Dirtiest City In America Is...

According to House Fresh, the city that is the dirtiest in America is Baltimore.

Photo by Irina Sitnikova on Unsplash
Photo by Irina Sitnikova on Unsplash

Though in close company with the cities of Sacramento, Charlotte and Los Angeles, it’s the residents of Baltimore that are the most discontent with their level of dirtiness. With a staggeringly high complaint rate of 47,295 per 100k population, there seems to be a disconnect between the needs of the community and the cleanliness of the city.

Baltimore has a 311 complaint rate about the dirt of 47,295 per 100k population.

The least dirty city in America is...

Photo by Kellie Klumb on Unsplash
Photo by Kellie Klumb on Unsplash

Milwaukee is the cleanest city in America, with only 309 complaints linked to cleanliness conditions.

How Did House Fresh Determine The Dirtiest City In America

We analyzed 12.3 million sanitation-related 311 complaints placed over the last 365 days to reveal the dirtiest cities in America. Covering categories related to sanitation issues — such as garbage, waste and recycling — we ranked locations based on the number of sanitation-related reports per 100,000 population.

When it comes to the top 25 list of dirtiest cities, two in New York State landed on the list.

2 New York State Cities Named The Dirtiest In America

As far as New York is concerned there are two cities in the top 25. Surprisingly, New York City is not the dirtiest city in New York State.

#17 New York City

Photo by Colton Duke on Unsplash
Photo by Colton Duke on Unsplash

New York City had 3,728 complaints per 100,000 residents.

Landing higher on the list than NYC is the second most populated city in New York State...

#9 Buffalo

By Yasmin Young (used with permission)
By Yasmin Young (used with permission)

Buffalo had 8,509 complaints per 100,000 residents.

You can view the full list of the dirtiest cities in American here.

8 Items That Are Illegal to Throw in the Trash in New York

10 Of The Trashiest Towns In New York State

No one wants to have their hometown called trashy. Road Snacks decided to attack the Central New York region pretty hard in a list called "These Are The 10 Trashiest Cities In New York."

Let me remind you before you read further, THIS BRAND IS NOT CALLING THESE CITIES OR TOWNS TRASHY. We are simply reporting on a list created by Road Snacks. If you have complaints, direct them towards them. You can do that here. Don't direct hate or anger towards us, we are simply reporting on a list that was sent in to talk about.

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