Delaware North Threatens: “Tax Breaks” or BYE BYE BUFFALO!!!!
"BUFFALO'S ON THE MOVE!!!!!"...Fortunately (or Unfortunately) so is one of the City's most prominent Businesses!!!
Delaware North is a Hospitality Management Company whose Global Headquarters are currently located in Buffalo, NY in the KEY TOWER @ Fountain Plaza. The company wants to remain in Buffalo but move it's facility to a Proposed New building at Delaware & Chippewa in Downtown Buffalo. That seems reasonable right?
Here's the Catch!!! Delaware North, in exchange for keeping it's Global Headquarters and Business Operations in Buffalo, has applied for "TAX BREAKS"....or BYE BYE BUFFALO!!!!
The decision as to whether Buffalo will agree to such terms are in the hands of The Erie County Industrial Development Agency (ECIDA) with the downside of a favorable decision, to appease Delaware North, being a tax burden left with residents of Buffalo.
So the question is: Should this BILLION DOLLAR COMPANY receive Sales Tax Breaks (at YOUR EXPENSE) ...Tax Breaks that other smaller Businesses, who really NEED tax breaks, DON'T GET? The Company does promise to add another 65 jobs or so once they move into the proposed New Building...now employing approximately 350 Buffalonians.
What Do You Think?????? {WATCH THE VIDEOS BELOW]