COMMUNITY: WBLK Hosted ‘Slow Roll Buffalo’ @ Kern’s Bowling Center (with ‘The King of the Wobble': Mayoral Candidate Mark Schroeder)
WBLK was honored to Host "Slow Roll Buffalo" @ Kern's Bowling Center on Monday, July 31.
The highlight of the "Slow Roll After Party" belonged to Buffalo Mayoral Candidate Mark Schroeder who came over to the WBLK Tent, as I was DJing and urging the ladies to get ready to do the Wobble, telling me that he is the 'WOBBLE KING'! (Check out the video below).
'Slow Roll Buffalo' is a weekly bicycling event that takes place every summer and runs through October. Anyone can participate (as young as 5 years old as long as the child is not using Training Wheels). If you're interested, click on the link to the 'SLOW ROLL BUFFALO' Webiste and sign up! It's FREE!