Community PSA:Hay Rides and Ice Skating at MLK Park
Strong Community Schools is bringing you some more FREE family events to start your Saturday off right!
Join us at East High School (820 Northampton) to celebrate diversity :
Saturday February 2/3/18 at 10am-1pm participate in African drumming, Black History Speakers, engineering for kids, basketball, caricature art classes, soccer, international dance classes, and so much more.
Saturday 2/10/18 10am-1pm Hay Rides and Ice Skating around MLK park in addition to the other activities mentioned above. Breakfast and lunch is provided.
Children 12 and under MUST be accompanied by an adult
Volunteers to hand out ice skates and greet people are needed
contact Prenessia Lambert
Direct Line: 716.449.2190
office : 716.816.4250 ext 1518
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