Get Free Backpacks At Community Access Services Giveaway Event
Parents and guardians can get free bookbags tomorrow, Friday, August 12, 2022, at an event sponsored by Community Access Services. Community Access Services of WNY is a local non-profit that works to address HIV and other diseases that affect the health and welfare of urban communities in Buffalo and Erie County.
CAS is hosting its annual backpack giveaway event tomorrow from 11 am to 4 pm. The backpack giveaway will be held at its headquarters, located at 3297 Bailey Avenue in Buffalo. This is a free community-focused event. There will be kid-friendly activities, community resource and information tables, free snacks, music, and more. The event is open to parents, guardians, and their children.
**Children must be present to receive multiple book bags or a parent/guardian will only receive one backpack
Parents And Guardians Can Get Free Backpacks And School Supplies
Backpacks filled with school supplies will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis. Also, Community Access Services will provide rapid HIV testing for adults onsite.
You can find out more information about Community Access Services by visiting www.caswny.org.
A recent study conducted by Savings.com reported that the average parent is expected to spend a total of $697 on school supplies for the 2022-23 school year. Savings.com polled over 500 parents, asking how much they expect inflation and high prices to effect their back-to-school spending compared to years prior.
New York State Has $44 Million Available To Help Residents Cover Back-To-School Supplies
New York State recently announced that $44 million will be available to help parents cope with back-to-school supplies and nutrition for their school-aged children. The federal monies will be used to help parents and guardians pay for back-to-school and early life nutritional expenses.
Hardworking New York families are still feeling the economic toll of the pandemic. As New Yorkers prepare to send their children back to school this fall, these one-time payments will help struggling families across the state pay for education supplies and other household expenses that may otherwise pose a burden on their household budget. This is yet another step we are taking to help lower costs of living for hardworking families hit hardest by the pandemic.
Payments will be issued via the Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance to families on public assistance. You can get all of the details here.

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