Almost 30 Homicides, 5 Cleared. Unacceptable !!!
Since the June 29th killing of my baby brother Jeremy Lamar, there has been 4 other homicides, which brings the year to date total to 24, which is the exact number from last year. More disturbing than the homicides itself, is the amount that were cleared. Five cleared homicides out of 24, thats an 21% percent clearence rate. Of the five cleared homicides, one was a murder suicide, and one was the man who killed his stepson.. so in all actuality they only cleared 3 homicides, the other two cleared themselves. For those familys who seek justice this is highly unacceptable. I recently talked to an officer about my fustrations, and he told me its because noone wants to talk. I told him it's not our job to solve these crimes.