57 Buffalo Police Officers Resign In Protest
According to a WGRZ News report, 57 Buffalo Police Department officers have resigned from the BPD's Emergency Response Team in protest of the suspension of two fellow officers. The two officers were suspended Thursday night due to an altercation which resulted in a 75-year-old man being pushed to the ground, causing a head injury.

Buffalo Police Benevolent Association President, John Evans said this,
“Fifty-seven resigned in disgust because of the treatment of two of their members, who were simply executing orders."
County Executive Marc Polencarz said this on Twitter,
The incident is now being investigated after there was a discrepancy regarding how the man fell, according to a WGRZ News report: The incident is very unfortunate and not at all representative of the vast majority of Buffalo Police Officers. I've been in Buffalo for approx. 10 years and can remember coming here and noticing that the Police truly are protective rather than harassing, compared to the Officers in my hometown. The incident is very unfortunate. What's also unfortunate, and something that will go down in the History Books in this Country, is the fact that George Floyd is dead at the hands of a few Police Officers...and without sugar-coating it...he is among so many other Black men who have been unjustly killed by a handful of Police Officers, who have made it absolutely difficult for great officers to get the respect they are due. The good Officers are not the ones who have done anything but they are unfortunately associated with the ones who use either poor judgment or have some other issues going on which are inappropriate agendas.
PHOTOS: Protests around the world in the wake of George Floyd's death
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