43 North $ 1 Million Dollar Start-Up Business Competition Kicks Off it’s 4th Year
According to News Reports, 43 North has opened up it's 4th year of competition for start-up businesses ... a competition that has had 29 winners within it's first 3 years who have generated at least 40 Million dollars of local revenue.
The contest’s 29 winners through the first three years have attracted $40 million in additional investment to the area.
The 43 North competition is a part of Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Buffalo Billion plan.
If you have a Start-Up Business and want to enter the competition, follow the link below to participate. The deadline to apply is May 24, 2017 1st Prize is $1 million dollars with bigger runner-up prizes this year for 2nd and 3rd place ranging from $500 - $650 thousand dollars.