Nominate A Go Getta Today! [Go Getta Of The Week With ADRI V]
Calling All Go Getta’s!!!!
Are you a Go Getta or know a Go Getta? One who gives back to their community, a catalyst of change? Consistently seeking to better themselves and those around them? Is this person determined to go after their dreams to achieve them and motivates others to do the same? If You know someone with the "Go Getta" Spirit or mentality I want to hear about them!
Each week I will pick a Go Getta of the Week from the submissions. The Go Getta chosen will be recognized on The Go Getta Mix, WBLK website and announced via social media. If you are a Go Getta and or know a Go Getta Nominate them to today!!!
Send a email about the Go Getta you are nominating including their photo, social media handles, and why they should be the "Go Getta Of The Week" to