3 WNY Beaches Will be Open for Memorial Day Weekend
Three beaches here in western New York will reopen for the holiday weekend.

Woodlawn Beach and Beaver Island State Park, along with Sunset Bay Beach Club, will be open this weekend for the Memorial holiday, according to WGRZ. There will be limitations in place. The beaches will open at 50% of their normal capacity. Anyone at the beaches who cannot socially distance will need to wear a mask, including employees.
Blankets and chairs will have to be 10 feet away from each other. No group activities will be permitted. All public areas, like playgrounds and picnic spots, will be closed. Governor Andrew Cuomo says he allowed beaches to reopen to stop people from going to other states to enjoy the beaches during the holiday weekend.
"If New Jersey opens beaches or Connecticut opens beaches, and we didn't open beaches, you would see a flood of people to Connecticut and New Jersey. On the beaches that are controlled by cities, counties, municipal beaches, municipal lakes, the local governments can decide to open or stay closed. If they choose to open, they must adopt the state's requirements at a minimum." ~ New York Governor, Andrew Cuomo, via WGRZ
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