WNY Does Not Yet Meet NYS Reopening Criteria
As reopening will occur in New York State on a regional basis, Governor Andrew Cuomo has laid out seven data-driven criteria to qualify a region to begin reopening after the COVID-19 pandemic. Per WGRZ, as of Monday, May 4th, WNY does not yet qualify to begin the reopening phase.
Cuomo re-emphasized that decisions to reopen businesses and public areas anywhere in the state will be based entirely on data and metrics. So far no region in New York State has qualified to begin reopening, although some areas are closer than others.
Western New York has met three of the seven necessary requirements so far. The two main improvements that our area needs to see are declines in hospitalizations and an increases in testing.
Cuomo made sure to state that one of the most important things that New York citizens can do to help speed up the process is to ensure that facial coverings are worn at all times in public areas.