Tops Filing Bankruptcy?
It's unconfirmed, according to the WGRZ News Report (below), but there's great speculation that locally-owned TOPS is filing for bankruptcy.
WGRZ News reported their source as being a Bloomberg Business Report, which is a pretty credible source, stating that TOPS and Florida's Winn-Dixie chain of stores may soon file bankruptcy.
It's believable, and will probably become more and more commonplace as Online Grocery Shopping is becoming very very popular. I see the commercials on TV often for different Food Boxes you can order with fresh foods packed in with everything you need to make meals. Walmart and Amazon are also in the game, providing customers with the opportunity to shop online for groceries that come right to your doorstep.
I doubt the Walk-In Supermarket experience will never die, but as people get more and more dependent upon convenience and technology a trip to the local supermarket will probably be needed to pick up some last minute items or something you forgot to order online.