A survey of about 100,000 professionals was taken to see what jobs destory your body (or at least, don't help it much). While sales people lead the pack as the professionals with the least amount of obese workers, lets explore to see which are the heaviest.

Is your profession in the Top 5?

Are you looking for part time, full time, career change, or just seeing what else is out there? Stop by the Buffalo Niagara Convention Center and talk face to face with over 60 different companies for the WNY Diversity Job Fair.

The event is FREE to attend.

Bring lots of resumes, dress to impress and get hired!

WHEN: Tuesday, March 22 and Wednesday, September 21, 2016, 9am-2pm

WHERE: Buffalo Niagara Convention Center.

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    Architechts and Engineers

    They must really love their breaks. They came in with a whopping 32% being overweight.

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    Health Care Professionals

    Ironic? 32% Apparently, they don't practice what they preach. Problem? They sit at a desk all day.

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    Coming in with 34% being overweight. Are you a teacher and can you testify this?

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    Administrative Assistants

    The biggest problem with obesity due to work is from sitting at your desk for 8- or 10-hour days and then getting home you have way more important plans than getting to the gym. Picking up the kids, dropping them off, making dinner etc.

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    Police Officers and Guards

    While we all know the infamous idea that cops love donuts may be the reason behind the 37% being overweight, I don't think I would ever want a skinny guard. Nobody ever asked for a 5'1'', 140-pound body guard.

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