Who Is That Vegan Teacher and Why Was She Just Banned From TikTok?
On Monday (Feb. 22), controversial TikTok creator and self-described "animal rights activist" That Vegan Teacher was permanently banned from the platform.
That Vegan Teacher responded to the ban via a video uploaded to YouTube, titled "Censorship: Why Good People Must Rise Up And Speak Out."
“Many of you woke up this morning and found out that my account was banned on TikTok, and I know many of you are jumping for joy and thinking that this is a great victory,” Diekmeyer told her subscribers. “Somehow, it makes you smile to know that an animal rights activist is being silenced."
Watch her video, below:
Who Is That Vegan Teacher?
The viral vegan's real name is Kadie Karen Diekmeyer. Diekmeyer is from Montreal, Québec. She was reportedly a registered nurse before becoming an elementary school teacher. It is unknown if she retired after becoming a social media sensation.
In 2017, she adopted her dog, Bella, who she infamously switched to a vegan diet, something that many veterinarians warn against.
Why Was That Vegan Teacher Banned From TikTok?
When users try to view Diekmeyer's TikTok account, @thatveganteacher, they are now met with a message that reads, "This account was banned due to multiple community guidelines violations." Her other TikTok accounts, @thatholocaustteacher and @thatvegannurse, have also been shut down.
Why Is That Vegan Teacher Controversial?
Diekmeyer has long been a controversial public figure on the platform.
Around September 2020, a Change.org petition was launched to have her account removed. More than 20,000 people signed the petition after organizers claimed that she forced and shamed people into adopting a vegan lifestyle when it may not have been the best diet for some due to financial restraints or medical issues.
The petition also claimed that many of That Vegan Teacher's statements were morally and ethically questionable. For instance, she allegedly suggested that her followers watch graphic films which depict animals being slaughtered.
In her YouTube video uploaded on Feb. 23, Diekmeyer slammed the accusations made against her, claiming that she did not force anyone to be vegan and that no one has gotten sick or died because of her proposed diets.
She also addressed a controversial and extremely vile TikTok video she uploaded in January 2021 in which she compared animal torture to Nazis torturing and killing Jews during the Holocaust.
"Animals are crammed into places that are as horrible as the Nazi death camps and are in fact worse," she doubled-down in her new YouTube video.
How Many TikTok Followers Did That Vegan Teacher Have Before Her Ban?
Before she was banned, That Vegan Teacher had amassed 1.7 million followers on the platform.
That Vegan Teacher first joined TikTok in 2019. In July 2020, she went viral when she asked McDonald's to change their entire menu via a song called, "Eating Animals is Wrong, McDonald's."