2016 was somewhat of a year...definitely one that will never be forgotten as well as the year that changed EVERYTHING! I can't quite give you any specifics because it's just TOO MUCH! I just know that everything is and FEELS different.....
According to MetroSource News, Philadelphia police are investigating a wedding brawl that broke out at a Sheraton Hotel. One man died after suffering a heart attack and there were several arrests made.
The reports say that one fight started at one wedding reception in the hotel bar and then another group from another wedding showed up and joined in...
There is a video going viral on the internet in which a man is watering his lawn. A handicapped lady in a wheel chair rides by and shouts out "the N word" to the man. He shouts back at the lady and proceeds to spray her with water. The lady then screams some other random curse words and says she is calling the police...
Young guy rapping while his grandma dances to RACK CITY by Tyga in the background wtf. Whatever happened to the days of grandma baking cookies, sewing clothes, just being a plain old grandma ? Maybe its because grandparents are younger now...
With everybody doing drive thru pranks and posting them all on YouTube. This is the best one i've seen yet, creative way to put in your order. Do you think you could keep track of this order if you were working at the Drive Thru? I bet they still didn't put ketchup in the bag after all of this ...
This one of of the most popular videos of early 2011, a kid that was on facebook posting about being a gang member. When his uncle got wind of it, he was publicly humiliated in a video posted to facebook. The kid was show and killed out side of his New Orleans home according to gossiponthis...
Check out the latest edition of the “Kids React to Viral Videos” series to find out what kids think of the golden-voiced homeless man Ted Williams.
Oh, and why they all know the word “hobo.”