In a world of silent segregation, these stories aren’t uncommon anymore. NYPD has been in the news for years now about their shady police business and dealings with the public and racism, many stories prove true and have yet to be justified. One of the major stories comes out of Brooklyn where NYPD officers warned the black kids to stay out of Brooklyn’s new “white” neighborhood.
It’s been nearly 2 years since the wrongful killing of Trayvon Martin by a overzealous neighborhood watchman, George Zimmermn. That day will never be forgotten as much of the world stood in disbelief as Zimmerman was acquitted for all charges. Zimmerman continued to make headlines after making threats against his wife and others, having multiple run ins with the law and even posing the idea of box
Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas has confirmed that for the first time in the U.S., a patient has tested positive for the Ebola virus. Most Ebola cases are contracted elsewhere and then treated here in the U.S. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has also confirmed.