There are still a lot of tickets left, so grab your friends and head out there. You can get your tickets online or right at the box office at UB Center For The Arts. Here is the description from the Sesame Street LIVE website:
Sesame Street Live! Let’s Party!
UB Center For The Arts
March 14-15, 2020
You can buy your tickets now!
Everyone’s invited to take part in the sunniest and funniest street celebration in Sesame Street Live! Let’s Party! The inaugural product...
At some point, we’re not sure when, Sesame Street stopped being a low-key educational children’s program and started being an educational children’s program that finds time to create internet-friendly parodies of whatever pop culture event is huge in a given week. So yeah, of course the show has made an Avengers-themed sketch and of course it’s called The Aveggies: Age of Bon Bon and of course it recasts Cookie Monster as the Hulk.
Taraji P Henson finally let us know what the "P" in her name stands for ..... PUPPET! Find out what happens when Cookie Lyon crashes Sesame Street!
Kids are taught many things in school and by parents...but aren't the lessons learned, or things taught, purposeful...based on there being a favorable potential that the information is going to be INEVITABLY NEEDED?