An HIV diagnosis is FAR FROM WHAT IT USED TO BE! A diagnosis of HIV about 30 years ago was a Death Sentence pretty much, but with Wide-Spread Research and New Meds LIVING WITH HIV is a very plausible reality.
Imagine you're driving home after a long day and here comes a crazy lady driving the wrong way onto the freeway coming straight toward your car!! With no where to go, you collide with the drunk driver and are rushed to the hospital. This happened to someone right here in Buffalo this weekend. Details inside.
The National Action Network, Urban League of Buffalo Young Professionals and other community leaders will hold a 'Justice for Trayvon' rally on Saturday in front of Buffalo City Hall.
This Saturday's Big Sister Spotlight is on the NAPS Youth Volunteers, who traveled from Alabama to Buffalo to be an inspiration to young ladies in Buffalo! See their story inside.