If there is a will, there is a way!
After being banned from the NBA due to the tape of him uttering racist comments to his so called “assistant” and instead of completely selling the team off Donald Sterling has reportedly, according to ABC he has signed over his ownership of the Los Angeles Clippers to his estranged wife Shelly...
Tonight CNN will air Anderson Cooper's entire Interview with Donald Sterling (The LA Clipper's Owner who was banned from the league for his racist comments.) But we got a 6 min sneak peek of this interview for you here! You won't believe what he says about Magic Johnson.
Here's additional banter between LA CLIPPERS' Owner Donald Sterling and his Girlfriend...this revealing conversation, depicts "CONTROL & OWNERSHIP", with respect to his Girlfriend.
Racism is alive and well and usually it’s the elephant in the room. However with all the technology in the world today more and more people are being exposed.
The latest controversy involves audio of Clippers owner Donald Sterling and his current girlfriend V...
Just as things seemed to be looking up for Lamar Odom, here comes this cell phone video of him under the influence and rapping about cheating on Khole.