Every Wednesday experience the unlocking of secretes to success, how to handle the worst and the best life throws at you. Get past The Pretty ; the glitz and the glam that many see on social media. The Ugly; the bed rock beginnings and hard times that are difficult that make you question your path...
Although Halloween is over, it would be remiss of us not to show you some of the rappers and singers who went all out with their creative costumes. Whether it’s wearing a wig and beard, a thrilling wolf mask or recreating a legendary look, these stars killed it with their outfits.
If you think about taking that day off from the 9-to-5, these ladies and gents are sure to make you feel guilty with the work they put in. Check out 10 Singers & Rappers Who Never Stop Working.
Not everyone loves Jennifer Lopez’s booty. An education group has slapped the singer-actress with a lawsuit over her concert performance that aired on public television in Morocco.