How much is your personal data worth to you? Would you ever sell it? New Yorkers have spoken and this is how much they'd have to be paid to hand over their data.
After Facebook, Instagram, and Whatsapp crashed on Monday, many are left wondering, "What was life like before we had the internet?" Here are 22 highlights from the "good ole days."
After Facebook, Instagram, and Whatsapp crashed on Monday, many are left wondering, "What was life like before we had the internet?" Here are 22 highlights from the "good ole days."
By 2018, every New Yorker will have access to high-speed internet making "Broadband for All" a reality. Governor Cuomo's initiative is a major step in making sure that everyone in New York State is up to speed and on the same level, noting that it is necessary for our fast paced economy, society and education system...
I always seem to come across the funniest things on the internets lol...
Now I love Biggie as much as the next person, but it seems that Baby Rachel really has an appreciation for the late great Notorious BIG lol. Check out the video!
We are truly living in a new day. Am I alone when I say no one wants to see this ? Nancy Salgueiro Mom to be has the bright idea to stream her child birth over the internet. Some things should just be private, I wonder what her husband has to say about this ...
Just days before the 10 year anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, hackers are back at it again with their devious work - this time, gaining access to the NBC Twitter and posting a false story of a terrorist attack in New York.