Erie County has a brand new program that is offering the chance for residents 60 years old and above to go out and DINE--FOR FREE. The program is called Dine & Go.
Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul is slated to become New York’s 57th governor in less than two weeks following Governor Andrew Cuomo’s announcement that he is resigning from his office. Hochul, a Buffalo native, will make history as the first woman to ever hold the office in New York state.
A van containing, the Presidents teleprompter and lectern were stolen from a hotel parking lot in Virginia. The truck was parked outside of a Marriott in Richmond, VA the truck and the items were stolen on Monday for the President's speech Today (Wednesday) in Chesterfield, VA...
I guess the old saying "Mo Money Mo Problems" is definitely true for Ja Rule. He currently in prison serving charges for being found in New York City with a gun on his person. When he is finished with that prison time he has to report to a federal prison to serve time for tax evasion
Today I offer you this challenge. What would happen if we reimagined the City of Buffalo? It would cause us to look at Buffalo with fresh eyes. We would see the possibilities. We would realize that they are lurking everywhere. We would look at our leaders differently. We would retool our schools. We would embrace what we can all do verse what we can’t do. We would see that the possibiliti