Today (Aug. 8) marks the 20th anniversary of the release of Brian McKnight's sophomore album, 'I Remember You.' We decided to take a look back and highlight the five best songs on the project.
Brian McKnight’s seventh studio album, 'U Turn,' celebrated its 10-year anniversary yesterday. Released on March 25, 2003, the effort was a new direction in Brian’s life.
Nas’s Baby mother Carmen Bryan voices her disapproval of Nas’s newest song entitled “Daughters”. She’s upset that he would comment on their daughter’s short falls publically as he spoke on the incident with their daughter posting pics of condoms on Facebook.
Brian McKnight's new song entitled "If You're Ready To Learn", has gone "viral" and has everyone talking. Watch the video here where he talks about his new song and sings some of it. Then take our poll and leave your comment about the song and Brian McKnight.
Buffalo's very own Brian McKnight is making his way into THE BIG DUMMY FILES. He is releasing an ADULT MIX TAPE and the lead song is LET ME SHOW YOU HOW YOUR P($&Y works. Brian McKnight you look and sound like a pervert but to each his own. T...