Well, you can’t exactly disagree with this decision after several lives were taken at this year’s South Carolina Black Biker Week.
Mama always said be careful about what you say and do because you'll never know when it might come back to haunt you. Apparently popular singer/pop artist Justin Bieber wasn't told the same
We bout to jump into this first NewTube video, “But, first let me take a selfie” Yahoo predicts that, thanks to apps such as Instagram and Snapchap, 1 trillion selfies will be taken by the end of 2014!
Until then check these hot new vids from DJ Noodles, Ludacris, The Dream, & Usher.
The 45th Annual NAACP Image Awards has announced their 2014 list of nominees. Justin Timberlake and Robin Thicke lead the list -- and they are white!
#HotTopicTuesday: Who should be eligible to win an award created for "colored" people?
Tomorrow Buffalo will elect another minority Mayor! But depending on where you vote, you will also be making some other key decisions. Check out what will be on your ballot BEFORE you head to the polls tomorrow!
So, If you've been keeping up with Bravo's the new hit reality show, Married to Medicine, which follows a group of predominantly black women that are married to or are doctors themselves, then you might be familiar with Mariah, who’s married to a Bangladeshi doctor.