Some Tips on How to Handle this Buffalo Heat
It's about to be extremely hot today and all of the weekend. Please check on the elderly, my Granny is in Detroit, but I'm still calling. Below I dropped some tips on what to do with this heat. Stay cool, be safe and stay hydrated my people.
- Find air conditioning
- Watch for heat illness
- Check on family members and neighbors
- Drink plenty of fluids
- Partake in strenuous activities
- Wear heavy clothing
- Leave people or pets in a closed car
- Use an electronic fan (fans create air flow and a false sense of comfort, but do not reduce body temperature
Feeling dehydrated or fatigue from the heat?
- Go to a cooler location
- Remove excess clothing
- Take sips, not gulps of water or sports drinks with salt and sugar
- If body temperature gets above 103 degrees, call 911 or get the person to a hospital immediately
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