POWER BALL JACKPOT IS 430 MILLION……How to boost your chances of winning!!
Really, No really....What would you do with 430 Million???
Here is one of the best ways to hopefully win!! Join a Lottery Pool......
Lottery pools have been very popular in Long Island since 2011, when a group of Costco employees won a $200 million Powerball jackpot.
Then again in Plainview, Long Island a year ago when the Powerball jackpot reached $1.5B—more than three times the current pay-off. They joined a lottery pool in their local library by contributing $10 apiece, according to a story that appeared in Newsday.
Get with your friends, co-workers, family...you all place the money together and purchase up to 50 tickets!!! Good Luck!! And make sure to get me a cut!!
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