Pizza is becoming more popular than candy for Halloween Night.
While everyone is talking about all the candy fun and how candy corn is the worst candy ever, there is another food that is more popular than candy when it comes to Halloween.
It used to be the Super Bowl but after yesterday's holiday...Halloween has officially taken the lead!
Food Inc experts are saying that throughout the past few years the statistics of pizza sales have been slipping on that SuperBowl Sunday. Under Armor's MyFitnessPal app conducted a study that puts Halloween first for pizza as of last year!
Take Pizza Hut for example was estimated to sell nearly one million pies for last Halloween. "According to a company spokesperson sales rise an average of 25-35% during the prime trick-or-treating time.
Here is the kicker, I was able to attend a couple of Halloween funtions lastnight and all of them where serving PIZZA. I wonder if a spooky pizza would be in the works in the future. What would that look like?
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