North Korea “considering Missile strike on US Guam base”
World War 3 is Among us Canada Here Comes Wire!
The recent battle between us (United states) and North Korea has escalated Fast! Somebody should take President Trumps Phone Check This out, A little back story
Tuesday The North's official news agency said on Tuesday the plan involved firing medium-to-long-range rockets at Guam, where US strategic bombers are based.
On Tuesday, the US claimed the North had achieved its goal of making a nuclear warhead small enough to fit inside its missiles.
Trumps Respons threatened Pyongyang with "fire and fury".
On Wednesday, Mr Trump tweeted that the US nuclear arsenal was "more powerful than ever before", but add he was hopeful "we will never have to use this power".
Nowwwwww The UN recently approved further economic sanctions on North Korea, which Pyongyang said were a "violent violation of our sovereignty", warning the US would "pay a price".
I don't know about yall but if i here we at war with North Korea Im out of here! I will be Dj Wire From Canada from now on.
On Tuesday, media reports in the US claimed the North had achieved its goal of making a nuclear warhead small enough to fit inside its missiles.