Meet ADRI V’s Go Gettas of the Week – Changemaker’s 30 Under 30 Class of 2018
Every week I, ADRI.V The Go Getta look to feature a young mover and shaker who embodies the “Go Getta Spirit” and is doing great things for the people and themselves in the Western New York and Southern Ontario community.
Having the blessed opportunity of having my show “The Go Getta Mix” I look to use my platform to acknowledge those people nominated as “The Go Getta of The Week”
Meet The Go Gettas Of The Week
Jamil Crews - Founder of the Changemakers 30 Under 30 Awards
Yanava Hawkins - Co-Founder of Girl Gang Entertainment
Alexus Stover - Miss Body Language
Yanava and Alexus will both be apart of the Class of 2018 Changemakers.
Next Saturday, October 6th is the 7th Annual Changemaker's 30 Under 30 Awards. This event celebrates and recognizes 30 of Buffalo's brightest talents under the age of 30 in all areas including education, business, media arts and more. The show this year will feature musical performances by Kimera Lattimore, Juke Boxxx and special guest artist, poet and social justice activism Mysonne. The 2018 recipient of the Shannon D. Smith Award of Courage is Tamika Mallory social justice activist and co-founder of the Women's March.
Buy your tickets for this year's awards at http://changemakers30under30.com
Each week I will pick a Go Getta of the Week from the submissions. The Go Getta chose will be recognized on The Go Getta Mix, WBLK website and announced via social media. If you are a Go Getta and or know a Go Getta Nominate them to today!!!
Nominate your Go Getta Of The Week HERE!
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