Local Business Owners Confront Dept. of Health
Business owners all around New York State are starting to feel the pressure from the latest round of closures due to our increasing COVID-19 numbers.
There is a viral video that has been circulating the internet showing a group of business owners having a meeting in Orchard Park to figure out a plan for their businesses to survive yet another mandatory closure.
During the meeting, the video shows Deputies from the Erie County Sheriff's office and officials form the Erie County Health Department show up to inspect the building the meeting was happening.
According to a report by WKBW, Robby Dinero, who is the Athlete’s Unleashed, hosted the meeting where the Health Dept. officials were refused entry.
They have no business being here. They could not site us for anything. The health department official was unable to articulate why she was there.
-Robby Dinero speaking to WKBW
Erie County Executive Poloncarz has stated that Erie County received a tip about a gathering that would have potentially violated the current Orange COVID Cluster rules and that local authorities have an obligation to enforce the rules that are in place.
This event is just one of a few different incidents where people have pushed back against the latest restrictions imposed by New York State in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
If Erie County does end up being designated as a Red Micro COVID Cluster, I can absolutely foresee more situations like this occurring as people become more frustrated with the limitations that have been forced upon us.