Lets Talk About Sex: Girl Gang Entertainment Presents “It’s the Choices for Me”

In todays generation the conversation about Sex is always present but its never the set topic. The mentions of sex, how you want it, where you want it, how many times you want it are in songs, movies and post on social media but rarely are there true conversations and education on sex made cool any more. With this information gap or a desire to not dive deep into it I love how are local group decided to do just that.
Girl Gang Entertainment is a local Event Planning company that is battling the stigma around sexual health with their new program with HOPE Buffalo called "It's the Choices for Me," a
- Gonorrhea rates in Erie county have increased 56% from 2019 to 2020 going from 1,950 diagnoses in 2019 to 3,042 in 2020
- For the state of New York, among age groups, the highest proportion of diagnoses in 2020 was seen in individuals aged: 20-29 (49%), 30-39 (22%), and 15-19 (16%)
Checkout the Girl Gang and their news featured here.

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