Kelly Rowland Accosted by Anti-Fur Protesters at Book Signing [VIDEO]
Kelly Rowland had a book signing in Ridgewood, NJ on Wednesday (April 13), and she was accosted by a bunch of anti-fur protesters.
While signing copies of her new book, Whoa, Baby, a group of people pretended to be fans of the singer and took photos with her. Then out of nowhere, they unraveled signs of dead animals and one man spoke out.
"This goes out to all the animals that were tortured and murdered so Kelly can wear their fur," he yelled.
Then the group started chanting.
"Fur trade, death trade, fur trade, death trade ... Kelly Rowland has blood on her hands," they screamed.
At first, the mother-of-one stood off to the side and played it cool but then, when the protestors began shouting that she has "blood on her hands," she approached a woman and said, "Get them out of here."
Afterwards, Kelly decided to go into another room as they continued chanting, and the protesters were eventually escorted out. The singer has yet to comment about all of this. You can see a video of the incident above.
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