Buffalo On Tap Information
Buffalo On Tap, New York's Largest Craft Beer Festival, is happening Friday, January 12, and Saturday, January 14 at the Buffalo Niagara Convention Center.
Friday's session Hours:
6pm for VIP ticket holders
7pm for General Admission.
The session ends at 10pm.
Saturday Session Hours
12pm for VIP ticket holders
1pm for General Admission.
The session ends at 4pm.
Weather Information:
The Saturday session is scheduled to go on. If you feel more comfortable coming Friday, all Saturday tickets will be honored at Friday's session.
Tickets are on sale at the door, BuffaloOnTap.com, or any Consumer's Beverages.
Over 150 beers, cider, seltzers, and malt cocktails.
Live music and vendors.
The concession stands inside the Convention Center will be open and serving multiple options. There are also pretzel necklaces for purchase.